Monday, April 6, 2009

The Transfer of a Treasure

I would like for everyone to take time to read 2Timothy 2 before our meeting this Thursday. Starting this month I want to work through this passage over the next several months. I'm particularly interested in how we might address Paul's directive, "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men (and women), who will also be qualified to teach others" (2Tim. 2:2).

As you read the chapter look for the six metaphors that Paul's uses to describe what other translations call, "faithful" (NIV "reliable) men and women. That's what we are going God can shape us to be faithful & reliable.

In addition we will be addressing
  • Connection Groups (yes...we are looking at a new descriptive name)
  • Journey visioning retreat
  • Summer schedule
Don't forget to send me your reflection paper by email if possible (

Pastor D.

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