Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring Meeting Dates

Here is an electronic copy of the meeting times for the next few months along with the date we are working to plan a retreat. Please notice the 4/30 meet will be at Dennis and Patsy's house and let me know ASAP about which retreat option works better for you. Thx.

No meeting Sunday April 26th

April 30th- Thursday 6:30 pm- Location: Easters Home

May 14th- Thursday 6:30 pm- location TBD

May 24th- Sunday after Journey- brief meeting if needed at church after service.

June 11th- Thursday 6:30 pm- location TBD

June 19-21- Proposed Leadership Retreat in Sunriver*
option 1- Friday night, Saturday, Sunday AM
option 2- Thursday night, Friday all day, Saturday all day

* Let Andrea know which retreat option would be better for your schedule via email i This weekend in July is the only available option until September- so we are going to do everything we can to make it work. Let me know ASAP if you are available.

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