Monday, February 23, 2009

Retreat Sign-ups

Alrighty.... the is the list of names

Registered and Paid
Monica Lauritsen
Josh/Camilla Storlie
Andrea O'Dell
Jeff/Erin Lowe
Elise Pfeifer
Dan Kyle
Shelby Jones

Registered- need to pay
Matthis Gehring
Katy Goodheart
Luke Walker
Carlos Cruz
Chelsea Mandeville
Ty/Danielle Jorgensen
Christina McLain
David Mossholder
Stephen/Liz Gomez (one or both may attend- they are unsure)
Tom Tillman
Brandon Sears
Samuel Spotted Elk (can not pay- but would really like to participate)
Reina O'Beck

So- 24 signed up to come, 9 paid to come.

Let us know who you will be talking to this week.... I think we should hit 30 at least with a few more weeks still to go before the retreat.



Anonymous said...

I'll be talking with Jen and Alyssa.

Unknown said...

i'm talking to Camilla Cok, Selina, Demi and Danelle

Monica said...

I talked to rita and she's coming!