Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sunday Night Meeting

Here are the basic notes from our last Sunday evening gathering time:

Missing Katy and Matthis, Adding Reina O'Beck to the group. Reina will be helping with our web presence, and communications.

Our next Thursday Meeting is December 11th 6:30pm at Dennis and Patsy's.

Upcoming topics of conversation:

* Journey as a community- what will our sense of community begin to look like as we move into the future. Understanding the different aspects of our demographics, and how to successfully move forward.

* Small Group aspect of the Journey: How do we want to move forward...groups, promotion, content?

* Retreat in March- Spiritual Formation. Looking into details to make this happen.

* Childcare for the Journey
* What do we see this needing to look like
* How do we find our way to supporting families in children's spiritual growth
and formation.
* How will this impact our current team and how might we leverage this for total
group growth.

Pastor Dennis will be posting a few things either today or tomorrow to help guide Thursday's meeting.

Thanks to you all.....Andrea

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