Monday, November 24, 2008

Leadership meeting notes Nov 13

Journey Leader Meeting

Debrief Room 101 Transition:

• Acknowledge the accomplishment of the idea in creation and with the push back from Dennis, and the group as a whole taking initiative to move forward in complete respect and honor of Dennis- but still taking a role in asserting ideas that may have value outside what can be seen.
o Worked to find our way towards trust.
o Great that we can become more bonded together
o Gaining a sense of respect for us as a whole moving forward.
o Eph 5:21- submit to one another

Meeting Details

* We gave points of responsibility to the various team members. More details are to come, and there is a level of fluidness to this as we find our way forward.

* Our next meeting is Sunday Nov 30th after the Journey @ church.

* Those who did not turn in a reflection paper to Dennis can send them to him electronically.

* If you have a skype account please send Andrea your name- if you do not have skype the website is and the software is free to download.

* Small Groups will be an upcoming conversation- be thinking about who we should go after to start a small group.

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